Winter Academy on International Arbitration "Arbitration in a Spectrum: Industry-Specific Perspectives"
The next edition of the Winter Academy on International Arbitration "Arbitration in a Spectrum: Industry-Specific Perspectives" will be held online from 22 January to 4 February 2024.
The program of the Winter Academy includes two weeks of interactive courses on various aspects of international arbitration. This year, we will explore dispute resolution in different industries all over the globe, including sport, maritime, space, and aviation arbitration. Particular attention will be given to investor-state arbitration and its key components, including the interpretation of investment treaty clauses. The lecturers will also specifically address how arbitration works from different perspectives. How to be a counsel for a state and an investor? How to choose between adversarial and inquisitorial proceedings? How to avoid conflicts of interest? How to argue a case and present evidence? Whether to battle or settle a dispute?
Participants will have the opportunity to discuss these and other topics live with outstanding lecturers, including Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, George Lambrou, Prof. Dr. Antje Baumann, Charlotte Bijlani, Konstantin Christie, Marike Paulsson, Krystle Baptista Serna, Dr. Roman Khodykin, Mino Han, Prof. Khawar QureshI KC, Diora Ziyaeva, and others.