
Public Talk: "Private Law and Arbitration" at South Ural State University

16 April 2021, 15:00 (GMT+3)

On 16 April 2021, Young IMA)in cooperation with the Law Institute of South Ural State University held a Public Talk on Private Law and Arbitration for students of the Institute and everyone interested.

The speakers were:

  • Tikhon Podshivalov, PhD in Law, Deputy Director of South Ural State University Law Institute, with a presentation on "Real Estate Disputes and Arbitration".
  • Evgeniya Lomakina, PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Litigation at South Ural State University, Head of Chelyabinsk office of INTELLECT law firm, with a presentation on "Choice of Applicable Law by International Commercial Arbitration Tribunals".
  • Roman Zaitsev, PhD in Law, a partner and head of the Litigation and Arbitration Practice at Dentons Moscow office, with a presentation on "Enforcement of arbitral awards".

The discussion was moderated by Maria Lyubimova, master of private law, attorney-at-law, and head of International Arbitration and Cross-Border Disputes practice at RegionService law firm.

A recording of the event is available here.