
​​Nikolskaya Consulting x YIMA Vis Pre-Moot

Nikolskaya Consulting

On 3 March 2023, Nikolskaya Consulting x YIMA Vis Pre-Moot - preliminary oral rounds for teams from Russia and Belarus participating in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - took place in Moscow. Eight teams and more than twenty arbitrators participated in the event.

The competition was organised by Margarita Drobyshevskaya (Russian Arbitration Center) and Ksenia Zbyshevskaya (Nikolskaya Consulting).

As a result of two rounds, the places were distributed between the teams as follows:

- 1st place: Lomonosov Moscow State University;

- 2nd place: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; 2nd place: Moscow State Law Academy;

- 3rd place: Belarusian State University.

The best speaker was Varvara Dyogteva, Lomonosov Moscow State University.